Serene Insights Counseling

Accountability is Awakening
Boundaries are Beautiful
Consistency is Calming
Doubt is Demanding
Empathy is Essential


Children and Adolescents

As children develop, sometimes they have difficulty balancing their emotions. Serene Insights Counseling has a variety of resources and techniques to help your child manage their emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Family Therapy

No family is the same. There are families with multiple children, no children, and trying to have children. There are blended families and co-parenting families. Regardless of your family structure, we understand you may need help managing the dynamics.

Individual Therapy

Self-care is critical. Serene Insights Counseling focuses on the ability to build a strong rapport and create an individualized treatment plan. We offer a private and comfortable environment to process and handle life’s stressors, while exploring and identifying a patient’s symptoms, how they manifest, and how they impact various areas of your life. 

My Expertise


Anger Management

Anxiety Disorders

Break-Up, Divorce

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Grief and Loss



Mood, Depressive Disorders

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Pathological Lying/Stealing


Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Trauma

Reality Therapy

Trauma-Focused Therapy

Welcome to Serene Insights Counseling

I’m Ashley Spitzer and I am a licensed therapist and owner of Serene Insights Counseling. Serene Insights is a growing practice, serving Ohio for mental health therapy. We also accept lifespan and career coaching clients from around the world. We work with children, families, groups, and individuals to provide high-quality, compassion-filled, strategic care.


To educate, guide and empower people to live their best life by providing therapeutic services, lifespan coaching and advocacy.


Awareness. Access. Stigma-Free. 

Our Approach & Values




Healthy Patients. Our treatment plans are guided by what is best for each patient. Our goal is to ensure each patient is progressing, healing, and whole.
Growth. We desire to reach more people in need and provide them with vigorous and uplifting care.
Education. Teach patients about their diagnosis and treatment plan. Train educators and education professionals on mental health and how to identify red flags, and collaborate with school counselors for treatment referrals.
Advocacy. Empower individuals to make healthy decisions. Encourage individuals to advocate for themselves and know their rights. Join mental health councils. Serve the community.
Collaboration. Partner with medical and mental health professionals to provide comprehensive treatment. Volunteer with local schools and agencies. Offer post-graduate student supervision hours.

"Serene Insights Counseling has been nothing but amazing! I would recommend them in a heartbeat."


Teletherapy and coaching is awesome. Clean and comfortable office.

Verified by Psychology Today.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

5 + 2 =

(216) 242-4171

1392 High Street Suite 107 Wadsworth, Ohio 44281